Monday, October 8, 2007

What is love?

Hello Stephannye-

You have asked a very big question.

If I were asked what one spiritual dynamic would be the most powerful in causing us to be very close to GOD it would be the dynamic of love.

A concise definition of love is selflessness toward others. To the degree we give ourselves away is the degree to which we love.

This will make sense as we develop this study.

Let’s start with the word love. We need to define words before we can understand them.

A. The word(s)
I have read that the Greek language has seven different words for love. Almost exclusively only two of these are used in the New Testament those being (Agapao and Phileo).

A study of those two words plus one more (eros) should not only give us a good idea of what love means but also give us a very clear understanding of how to be close to GOD.

1. Agapao
This is the highest form of love. This word is the one GOD used in John 3:16. Here love is seen as completely giving yourself away for the benefit of others with no regard to cost to yourself.

For God so loved the world
that he gave
his one and only Son,
that whoever believes in him
shall not perish but have eternal life
----John 3:16

Notice that love, which is (Agapao) love, is not about self. It causes the one possessing it to give themselves away for the benefit of others.

2. Phileo
Phileo can be thought of as tender affection. The city of Philadelphia got it’s name from this word. Philadelphia is called the city of brotherly love.

Phileo love is a very giving love but not to the limitless degree of Agapao. In places in the New Testament this word is translated “kindness”.

The islanders showed us unusual kindness.
They built a fire and welcomed us all
because it was raining and cold.”
---Acts 28:2

You would not be mistaken to think that the expression, “Do unto others as you would have them do to you,” fits this word quite well.

In Phileo you treat people this way, but you take it just so far. If someone abuses you long enough you stop. Agapao on the other hand does not stop.

3. Eros
Eros is the word from which we get our English word erotic. More than anything else it is self centered love. An eros defined person does things toward others for the benefit of themselves.

An eros person can be charming or they can be rude. They can be sulking or they can be abusive. They really do not care if they cause pain or pleasure to others as long as they get what they want. What they want is selfish fulfillment.

B. Practical Application
Early in this study I said that love is the way to get very close to GOD. Let’s see why.

1. We are made in the image and likeness of GOD (Genesis 1:26-27)

So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them

----Genesis 1:26

2. GOD is love (1 John 4:8b)

…GOD is love

Notice that this text does not say GOD does love. It says that He is love. It is a mistake to mix the two.

There is an old expression that goes something like this, “You can give without loving, but you can’t love without giving.”

GOD is love. Therefore He gives selflessly.

3. Love is a “path”
Sometimes we think, “I want to get just as close to GOD as I can possibly get. But how do I get there?”

The answer is walk on the road that GOD walks on. That road is called love. When we do we also come into harmony within ourselves.
If GOD is love and we are created in His image than we are created to love. Any behaviour less than that is disharmonious with our spiritual "DNA". We have been created to give ourselves away.

Dear friends, let us love one another,
for love comes from God.
Everyone who loves has been born of God
and knows God.
---1 John4:7

Whoever does not love
does not know God,
because God is love.
----1 John 4:8

And so we know and rely on the love God has for us.
God is love.
Whoever lives in love lives in God,
and God in him
---- 1 John 4:16

C. Conclusion
Well Stephannye as you can see the study of love can get very long. There is so much more we could look at. Yet I think what we have seen gives a good picture of what love is.

Now here is a bit of homework for you. Look at the three loves and ask yourself, “Which love have I been living?. Then ask yourself which is the one I want to become?”

1 Corinthians 13

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