Monday, September 24, 2007

Does God really exist?

Hello Red-

Does GOD exist? That's a good question. Even as I'm reading it I'm thinking does Red mean does GOD exist in the sense that HIS existence can be proved beyond any reasonable doubt. Or does he mean Does GOD exist in the sense that I can see HIS working unmistakably in the world of touch taste and feel that I can gasp in a more personal way.

I am reasonably certain you are looking at hard evidence that proves the existence of GOD. So let's take that approach.

I. Can the Existence of GOD be proved academically?

The answer to this is yes, emphatically so! There are two ways in particular that GOD has told us prove HIS existence. One of them proves not only his existence but also proves the Bible to be the one and only Holy book written to mankind by HIM.

Remember the Bible is a supernatural book. You would expect it to prove itself in a way that is beyond the ability of natural man. It has done this through predictions. Lets look at this one proof first.

A. Prophecy

Many times in the book of Isaiah GOD states that predictions are HIS challenge to all other supposed gods and religions to prove they are the true path. Since GOD says this is the foundational proof let's spend a few minutes following that thought.

First let's look at what GOD says.

"Present your case
says the LORD.
Set forth you're arguments,
says Jacobs King.
Bring in your idols, tell us what is going to happen.
Tell us what the former things were,
so that we may consider them
and know their final outcome,

Or declare to us the things to come,tell us what the future holds,
so that we may know that you are gods."
Isaiah 41:21-23

A. The law of averages
In a concise definition the law of averages is a mathematical formula that tells us the probability
of certain things happening in the future. You see this every day in things like the lottery .
You know how it works the more numbers you need to choose to win the less possibility it is that you will ever hit . If you play a three number game your odds are pretty favorable and the jackpot smaller. Playing four numbers gets less favorable odds, five (Fantasy five) still worse and six (Lottery) virtually impossible.

Here is how the law of averages works. Every prediction made has a one in two possibility that it will occur. However when you string a bunch of predictions together one after the other the odds against all of them happening grows explosively.

1. Each succeeding prediction squares the possibility of occurrence yielded by the previous one.

Suppose for instance you make one prediction that someone will knock at your door within five minutes. The possibility of it happening is one chance in two.

Now if you make another prediction, such as that person will be a female as opposed to a male the probability changes in that you square the two of the previous prediction. The second prediction becomes one chance out of four.

If you further predict this will be a woman as a opposed to a girl you square the four(4 x 4 = 16) and it become one chance of sixteen. Then you predict she will have long hair as opposed to short hair (16 x 16 = 256) That would make it one chance in 256. Then you predict that she is wearing lipstick as opposed to no lipstick (256 x 256 = 65,536) . Next you predict that she will be wearing a ring as opposed to no ring (65,536 x 65,536 = 4,294,967,296) The probability of this is one in 4 plus billion.
My calculator can not calculate beyond this so lets round this off and see where it leads. Bear with me I am making a profound point.
So far we have made six sequential predictions and the law of averages of this happening has gone from one chance in two to one chance in four plus billion. I have to round it off at this point because of the limitations of my calculator.
7 predictions = 1 chance in 16 billion
8 sequential predictions is 1 chance in 256 billion
9 sequential predictions is one chance of ?????????????
Why the question mark you ask? Because we have passed trillion and zillions their are no more numbers to use.
Have you any idea how many predictions were fulfilled just in Christ ? More than a hundred. Think about it! If nine predictions in a row pass beyond any known number in the law of averages what does more than one hundred mean?
It can only mean one thing . It means that GOD has proved that HE exists and that the Bible is HIS book to us.
2. Where to find predictions
You can find lists of predictions on the Internet simply for the asking. Search using requests like Bible study predictions or Messianic predictions.
II Creation
The other way GOD proves HIS existence is creation. I have previously answered a question on creation so for the sake of brevity I would like to ask that you go to that post dated September 18 and answering the question that starts "I am a scientist."
The question you asked is of extreme importance because what is the sense of looking for GOD unless we believe HE exists?
"And without faith it is impossible to please GOD
Anyone who comes to HIM must believe that HE exists
that HE rewards those who earnestly seek HIM"
----Hebrews 11:6


Isaiah 41:21-23

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