Sunday, September 23, 2007

What is the purpose of life?

Hello John-

Very briefly our purpose is to live in such a manner that we bring glory to GOD.

On the surface this may seem very limiting but in truth it not only sets us free but we are totally fulfilled in the doing of it. Let's see why.

I. Some texts that tell us to bring glory to GOD
"In the same way, let your light shine before men,
that they may see your good deeds
and praise your father in heaven"
------Matthew 5:16
"Of all the commandments which is the most important?
The most important one answered Jesus, is this:
Hear O Israel the Lord our GOD is one
Love the Lord your GOD with all your heart
and with all your soul
and with all your mind
and with all your strength."
------Mark 12:28b-30
"The second is this:
Love your neighbor as yourself.
There is no commandment greater than these."
-----Mark 12:31
II. How do we glorify GOD?
A. Matthew 5:16
Notice some things found in Matthew five verse sixteen.
1. let (allow)
Each of us has the ability, the potential to glorify GOD. The only thing stopping us is our own decision to do so. We can choose to glorify GOD or we can choose not to. Sound simplistic. It is. It is also fundamental.
But than why do so many not glorify GOD? Because though simplistic in principal it is not simple in the doing. Why is that?
Because most people have not made an all
out commitment to being GOD centered in their life choices. They are mostly self centered.
To the degree we are self centered we will make choices that don't bring glory to GOD and we thus are purpose less in the truest sense of the thought. The more GOD centered we are the more we bring glory to GOD in our behaviour and at the same time come into harmony with the purpose for which GOD created us.
2. your light shine
There are three words here that are "illuminating".
The first one Your indicates that I possess something. It is not a theory that I possess it. It is a fact. There is a light in me.
a. light
If find it interesting that the Bible says that we are light( Ephesians 5:8) and also that GOD is light (1 John 1:5-6). It also tells us that we are made in the image and likeness of GOD. (Genesis 1:27)
b. shine
So when we let our light shine not only are we glorifying GOD but we are in harmony with HIM and with ourselves because that is what we have been created to do.
B. The key
You my be thinking, "Is there some key, some easily grasped formula to letting my light shine?"
There is! The key is love.
1. what is love?
Love is lack of self. We have been created to give ourselves away. Satan was all about self (Isaiah 14:12-14). Jesus was all about giving Himself away.
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served
but to serve,
and to give His life as a ransom for many."
----Mark 10:45
2. Choice
To the degree that we choose to give ourselves away (Love) we draw close to GOD. Conversely to the degree we choose to live for self we draw close to satan who is the antithesis of GOD .
GOD is love
Whoever lives in love
lives in GOD
GOD in him
----1 John 4:16b
3. To love people is to love GOD
Sometime we can be confused as to what loving GOD means? People have lived as hermits in caves, isolated from all other people trying to avoid sin. Others have tried to follow every rule in the Bible. But the real trick is to love people. 1 Corinthians 13 tells us how to do this. 1 John tells us that loving people is loving GOD.
" if anyone says, I love GOD
yet hates his brother, he is a liar
for anyone who does not love his brother
whom he has seen,
cannot love GOD,
whom he has not seen."
-----1 John4:20
III. To sum it all up
Our purpose is to live life in such a way that we bring glory to GOD. In doing so we come into harmony with GOD and find our greatest happiness.
In a way you may think of how a bird brings glory to GOD and see ourselves in the analogy. GOD created the bird. When a bird is healthy it sings. That song glorifies GOD because GOD put that ability to sing in the bird.
When we love others we glorify GOD because GOD put that ability to love inside us. Love is our song to GOD. Love is the purpose for which we have been created.
Your question is very important John. I am glad you asked it.
Matthew 5:16

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