Monday, September 17, 2007

How should Christian parents handle or treat their gay children? 1 of 2


This is pastor Eric. And you are not the only person with this question. Many people wrote similar questions and placed them in the boxes. Perhaps Rick and I will address it more in the sermon.

Let me give you my brief thoughts…

Parents I know who face this wrestle with the tension between truth and grace. It is a difficult situation, and there are no easy answers.

Homosexuality is a sin (I Cor. 6:9). A sin. Not THE sin. God is disgusted and appalled by all sin because sin violates His nature and character. At the same time, God is loving and kind. He pursues sinners and desires a relationship with them.

So parents should treat a child who is struggling with homosexuality, as they would treat their children if they were struggling with any sin. While it is a mistake to elevate homosexuality to the “chief sin,” it is also a mistake to lower God’s standards for sexual purity. Parents should stand for truth and what is right. At the same time, parents should love their children unconditionally trusting that God will use their example of unconditional love to point the child to the love of the Father.

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